Doubtfulguest, - yes, there can be a sense of rising panic. She's just. so. different. Love that one. Yes, you can feel like you've got a 40-year-old rather than a 6- or 7-year-old.

What was the tipping point? Um, two private gifted schools telling you that they may not be able to accommodate your child in pre-k and kindergarten. Problem #1.

Problem #2 is when your ds melts down and starts to act out and get bored because he cannot accelerate. When you're child starts to become listless and withdraw because he's not learning anything new, you decide to try out the homeschool lark and give it a go. You say how bad can it be and perhaps it's a least-worst situation.

Problem #3 is when public schools have no gifted mandate and absolutely refuse to accommodate/accelerate. What do you do when your first grader is reading adult books? You homeschool.

Problem #4 - 2e issues. Oy vey. Neither public or private schools can deal with it at this point, I've found. That's a double sigh. At least, homeschooling gave us time to do therapy. What fun.