Nice to meet you Navymom! The small school my son goes to doesn't have any kind of gifted program, and I chose to arrange for private testing so that I'd have a sense of what he's capable of and what to ask the school for. Fortunately, his teachers have been quite receptive. I was thrilled to pieces when the principal, his first grade teachers, his kindergarten teacher and even the second grade teacher came to a get together with the educational psychologist came to the school to go over the results and to brain storm ideas on how to meet his needs.

My son is not nearly as thrilled with the school as we are. His class is 14 girls and only 3 boys total. He plays with the older boys, but it's not the same. His best friend for now is a 5th grader who wants him to go online and play Minecraft with him. We're trying to arrange a few face to face get togethers first (to say the least)!

On another note, I'm kind of tickled that this thread has gotten as much traffic as it has.

We live in a rural area, and the local Mensa doesn't have any other kids. So it's nice to have other parents on this thread to connect with.