Originally Posted by squishys
Are you in Australia, puffin?

It's great to read about everyone's kids. There's such varying abilities, it's hard to say what is the norm for a six year old child with an iq of x. Very interesting.

There is no other child in my son's year that even comes close to what my son can do. Although, I'm guessing there is more to it than just maths and reading abilities. In fact, after my son being in his new year level for seven weeks, his previously "gifted-resistant" teacher is now on my side. Very exciting!

Thanks for sharing smile

No in New Zealand. My son is in the highest groups in his Y1/y2 class and the youngest equal of the Y2 children. So the kids in the groups with him are nearly a year older. The reading is about right but I really think he needs more challenge in maths - when I suggested it the teacher looked at me as if I had two heads and gave me some sixty minute drill sheets which were still in the order of 5+10, (homework was3 +2). He said if he did one a night they would get gradually harder over a few months. I decided to do Math Mammoth instead.

Last edited by puffin; 03/31/13 06:59 PM.