Hi all - I have a 6yo also, in Gr 1. Similar profile to Skateycat. Strong verbal skills particularly. Writing LD diagnosed in the fall. HATES, HATES writing, but with significant supports is getting better. Also not fond of school in general, though he likes the social parts. Reads at a gr 4-5 level and it seems every month he has jumped up higher with his reading skills. Into chapter books now, which is tricky finding materials that are still ok for age. I caved a bit and bought the Captain Underpants series, which he loved (I don't know what it is about farting and boys!) He's also fond of the Zack Power series and has just started the Diary of A Wimpy Kid (I don't know if he can relate to the material). Geronimo Stilton has been a favorite for well over a year, and he often goes back to those, which works well as there are so many.

He has always been a right handed printer and eater, but interestingly he does everything else left handed. The OT was surprised on assessment that he was right handed and asked us if we had made him switch as he was better at several skills with his left - of course we had not. I do think this 'ambidexterity' contributes to some of his printing troubles and we still have lots of letter and number reversals, though it is quite inconsistent - some days lots, other days none - I suspect this might be the path with him though!

I just posted in the advocacy board, as we are struggling with getting an individual learning plan that considers his giftedness in addition to his writing troubles. So this is our/my major stressor at this point. All of his other academics are really quite good, though his teacher thinks he is too easily distracted, and maybe she's right, but we aren't barking up that tree just quite yet!

Re: math work - the printing interferes of course - his teacher still has him doing mostly addition, even though he knows how to subtract and recently explained multiplication to me. Apparently he has to finish a whole page in a certain time frame before he can move up. At this point he doesn't seem to mind, so I'm trying to pick my battles.