Originally Posted by gabalyn
My son is 8.7 and has never been tested. I think he has a bit of stealth dyslexia. He wasn't reading at all at 6. I should say that we are relaxed homeschoolers and I haven't pushed academics. He has always been very good at math and at 6 was already a very strong chess player. He was given the Peabody Picture Inventory which I understand is a quick and dirty IQ test, and his standard score was 140, so I imagine he is at least HG.

I think we have twins! Aiden is 6 now, we are relaxed home schoolers and although Aiden can read and write we suspect stealth dyslexia with him figuring out "tricks" to help him along. he loves chess too and has always had a knack for maths! smile

Last edited by Madoosa; 03/28/13 04:29 PM.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)