My son is 6 years 10 months, a first grader and profoundly gifted with WISC GAI of 179. We are very new to all of this. My son's school did not inform us of the test results from tests he took in September until Mid March. Since that time I had him tested privately and I am so glad I did. The full WISC and Woodcock-Johnson reports are worth their weight in gold and then some. I finally feel like I am prepared to get my son what he deserves. I had an idea he was gifted but I could never have predicted his test results. The school had him reading at a 3-4 grade level though reads at much higher levels at home and had him doing 2nd grade math instruction when he tested into 8th grade levels on the Woodcock-Johnson. My advice to anyone going through this with their child - don't wait for the schools. Be your child's advocate, get them tested. Don't speculate. No matter what the results are, once you have that full report you will have priceless information about your child that can help you parent them throughout their scholastic career.