Interesting thread! For all of us with boys around the same age!

Our son- turned 7 a month ago. He was skipped from 1st to 2nd last Oct. His writing ability is above average for 2nd, though he doesn't love it and the grade skip definitely made his hand writing sloppy (guess he has more to write, faster) He is lefty/ odd pencil grip.

AR/ Star reading put his level at 3.6 when he skipped in the beginning of the year. He likes Magic Tree House because they are a quick read and he does well on comprehension tests.

Math- we don't teach ahead, but he got multiplication on his own last year. So he understands most elementary stuff with great ease.

WISC-IV GAI 143 (but his PRI was way higher than verbal)

He also has picked up on the cello at a much faster rate than other kids in his group. He just learns with ease (same with learning how to read music)