My DS will be 6 in 4 months. He has been labeled as gifted by our school district after NWEA testing scored him 99 in reading and 98 in math (99 is highest score). He has been invited to attend the special GT public school next year that has a wonderful program so we are really looking forward to that. I have no idea of his true IQ or actual giftedness, but I don't believe he is EG or PG. It's hard to say exactly what grade level his abilities fall into, but I would guess somewhere between second and third grade in reading and math. His writing skills are still fairly poor, though they have improved quite a bit this year. He exhibits many of the typical gifted traits, including over-excitability, and his KG teacher hasn't a clue how to handle a gifted child. She immediately labeled him as "in-mature" and complained of him "spacing-out". She was, honestly, quite surprised to learn of his high scores in the NWEA testing. He has greatly underestimated him.