CNN - keep in mind that while the hyperactivity and impulse control bother other people the most, research shows that it's the inattention that causes the greatest academic / life problems. It's not "just" inattention...

I have tried both my DDs on medication and for one of them it's the classic magic switch, it's profoundly obvious when she is on or off her medication. She's on medication because she herself feels better and wants to take it. For the other it didn't work and she's bordering on phobic about swallowing tablets and did not want to take the medication, obviously not good on any front, so we gave up. She's a kid who had a lot of hyperactivity/impulse issues as a younger child and now is "just" innattentive. She's not bothering anyone else at school - but she regularly has NO idea what is going on, leaves homework at school day after day, etc. We are trying to teach and support her through these issues, scaffold etc. But it's not really working that well. I really worry about her. I worry about having one on medication and I worry about the other one not being on it. Can't win!