Because there aren't many/any people around you who are in a similar parenting place as you are, it is important to realize that "other people" aren't the best source of parenting expertise - YOU are. Now's a great time to start reading books on giftedness (even without an official gifted identification) just so that you can begin to empower yourself. You know your son the best and, while it can be useful to observe other people's parenting and hear other people's philosophies, you have to listen to your child and trust your gut. Because very, very few kids are doing things that your DS is doing at the age at which he is doing it, very few people are qualified to overrule your gut.

Beautifully put.

It took us SO long to realize all of that.

The minute that you think "I shouldn't share that... they won't believe it" or "I don't want to talk about {child} here because it will just open up a can of worms" then you're already in a place where the generic parenting advice from other parents, from glossy parenting magazines and slick websites... no longer applies.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.