First of all, spelling like that at 33 months is definitely advanced. Very high likelihood of being gifted. As for the school decision, I just want to put in a plug for no or limited pre-school. Not that you should listen to my advice -- I just want to share this perspective and information in case it supports your instinct. Your friends are telling you he needs to go to pre-school. Well, not necessarily! With play dates, time with you etc, it sounds like he is having a rich experience. Kids don't really need a lot of peer time at that age. Some, certainly. But I think as a society, we have bought into a false belief that socialization outside the family needs to happen more and earlier than it really probably should. (Warning: homeschooler rant in progress!) There is actually research -- pretty good research and a fair amount of it -- that too much preschool is harmful socially. A little was found to be neither good nor bad, but full time preschool was harmful to kids development. Don't have the link right now but I will look for it. The important exception cited in the study was that the findings did not hold true for children from non-enriched households -- where there wasn't a caretaker actively interacting with child, stimulating experiences, etc. Do what feels most right to you as a parent, but know that just a little preschool (or even none) is a perfectly good option!

As for the computer, I have always limited screen time. But I am hearing that your child is typing words and books! Not playing a computer game.... I would be inclined to let him run with that a little. It almost sounds as though he is craving interaction with words and language. I remember when my son was 5, he became obsessed with chess, and the Fritz and Chesster computer game. He played it constantly for a few weeks, and I very reluctantly let him. And then he was sort of done with the computer game, but his love of chess has continued.

Two suggestions: that's amazing and wonderful that he is typing and spelling like that. Encourage him to try writing even something simple (his name) witha crayon or pencil. No way a three year old is likely to have the fine motor skills to do a lot there, so I wouldn't drill penmanship. I would just want him to be familiar with this other way of writing words so that he doesn't get so used to typing that writing is completely foreign. And if you do want to limit screen time somewhat, one low key way to do so would be to just plan something else... Those few times when my son has been on screen jags, I have planned a lot of activities outside the house. Then stopping isn't so much of a fight!