Originally Posted by Bluestar
Yeah, I'm getting discrepancies between what the staff is saying and what my daughter is saying; my daughter tells me she can read level M books but her teacher is saying she's testing out at level K.

It may also be the rubric. DS7 can read a chapter of Dr. Dolittle he's never seen before (okay, he did get stuck on "fishmonger"), get to the "Bridge of Apes" episode and throw the book down because THOSE CAN'T BE APES, MOM, APES DON'T HAVE TAILS. He can narrate the story back to me, albeit with some editorializing on migration patterns.

But on the testing material (very easy readers) he whips through as fast as possible, doesn't slow down for punctuation and doesn't read with expression. (This is particularly funny, for my very emotive DS.) So according to their scale, on last week's report, he tested out as 9/12 of the way from "beginning" to "developing" reading.

Nevertheless, he is reading chapter books in the classroom (plus we just sent in a middle-school paleontology book, at his request) and the librarian just gave him permission to take out extra books every week, anything in the library as long as he can read her two sentences out of it. So I am trying to learn to let of the ridiculous assessment, as long as his actual challenges are appropriate.