that is a great point about pinpointing the specific Grade Level for any examples i might use! i have been fearful of confrontation, but i am feeling encouraged by all the suggestions.

the Gr. 3-4 comment comes purely from me checking out the curriculum on a case-by-case basis - there have been random things from beyond that (reducing fractions etc) but i have no wish to "round up" her ability.

it's tricky since we have simply followed her lead and not attempted to guide her through curriculum in any particular order. i expect there will be gaps when i sort through it with a fine tooth comb - although (ha!) maybe that could be considered evidence that we're not pushing?

we're getting the testing for sure, and the point is well taken that it measures potential - that's probably more meaningful in this context than the curriculum/ achievement.

thank you so much - i really appreciate all the feedback!

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.