So, quick update: I have started trying to give him natural foods as much as possible, and at least low sugar, high protein foods when totally natural is not available. I also let him start running with me. (with severe allergies and moderate athsma, I'm certainly not Olympic material, but I try). Obviously, it's too early to tell if it's working. But it certainly seems that way. He did a diagnostic test today without getting up and wandering around, and only made one careless mistake out of 25 problems. I only had to ask him to do his homework once. I didn't have to ask him to do his chores at all. And this morning he brushed his teeth and hair, put his stuff in his backpack, and got his shoes and socks without me even having to ask! Obviously, it could just be that he is having an unusually good day. But so far, it's looking promising. Maybe he doesn't have ADHD, and is just fidgety. Or maybe he does, and this is working. Or maybe it's a coincidence. In any case, if this continues to work, I'm far more comfortable with this than I am with drugging him!
Thanks for the input!