ADHD is rarely just about attention... it typically manifests in nearly ever facet of life. Here's a list of a few things my ADHD hubby & son have problems with, that I would consider very ADHD...

- Forget why they entered a room, opened the fridge/pantry, etc. They will suddenly stop, look confused, and just stand there trying to remember wtf they were doing.

- Trouble with multi-step directions. DS, in particular, can't handle more than 2 steps at a time or he gets lost/distracted before he can finish.

- Routinely misplaces things... shoes, belts, lunch boxes, glasses, cups, etc, etc, etc. This is nearly daily.

- In ability to consider consequences/impulsive-ness. (This is mostly just an issue w/DS.) He had trouble taking consequences into account when making decisions. Immediately afterwards he will realize what he's done, and regret it, but no amount of after-the-fact punishment/consequences can prevent him from making impulsive decisions on the regular.

Both my DS and DH CAN maintain attention on tasks they enjoy. No amount of distraction can pull DS away from a good book, or DH away from a favorite video game. Hyperfocus all the way.
