My DD is 6 and finishing kindergarten this spring. Both of her preschool teachers identified her as potentially gifted and she presents with many behavior characteristics that would fit. She is an exhausting child to parent, but a very good student and has consistently scored in the 99th percentile in her NWEA tests first and second quarter this year. Unfortunately her school district only uses one score, the NNAT2, and she didn't qualify for GT. Since she will be in a regular class of first graders next year, how would you suggest handling the explosive personality, perfectionism to the point of tears and easy frustration with others that she exhibits? Is this a bright, but not gifted, kid that needs a metaphorical firmer hand or could there be something else going on?

I've been looking forward to having some guidance from a GT program and teacher, but since that is no longer in the cards, I'm questioning if something else might be at the root of her behavior. Her kindergarten teacher has written it off as her being smart, be emotionally behind.