In other articcles I've read I don't like seeing things like "suffering from dyslexia" or fill in the blank for a different label. But the kids who are different because of their challenges/differences know that they are different from the time they'e very little. My DD doesn't like the words dyslxia or ADHD very much right now, but she understands her brain is wired differently and that gives her cool strengths as well as challenges. I let her choose her own "label" and she has and we use that "label" (which is very positive) to discuss her challenges, strengths and her path in general. This has been very helpful in lowering the anxiety she experienced from "operating in the dark", so to speak.

There are too many things "wrong" with the labels that put parents off, like pressure to medicate, doom and gloom of the child's future, and I think having the labels stick on the records after plans have been dropped is wrong.

And anxiety in my mind is a secondary issue that comes from a mismatch between the person and the environment or not being treated with respect of having ones needs met in school.

Last edited by bzylzy; 03/15/13 08:18 AM.