Originally Posted by CCN
(So... the next time you see three kids together, think, hmmm - the AAP considers one of these kids sub-functional in some way)

"sub-functional"? I must strenuously disagree with that characterization of disability.

In our family's experiences, having a disability doesn't make you "sub-functional"-- but it does offer real, serious life challenges that are different from those faced by people who don't have the disability.

Recognizing these challenges allows us to find and teach the skills that offer the best work-arounds-- and the best chance to minimize the impact of the challenges. It also allows us to understand and accept these aspects of ourselves, not think we're bad or lesser people because something is harder for us.

If you don't want to label your challenges or those of your kids, that's fine by me. But the choice to use a technical label is not necessarily bad, or pathologizing. It can as easily be liberating and open up a horizon of understanding.
