My DS likes the library too, but it's more for the stackable cushions then the books yet. We do check some out so he does get that library time means different books. I would love to take him to some of the places you talked about, but getting DH to agree is hard.
I have not even thought about getting him tested because he does get shy around some people and at this stage I'm not really wanting to scare him. My main concern is am I stimulating all of his learning potential. My stepmom gave him a recorder(flute) for Christmas, but it's too loud for him - he holds his ears when it's played by someone else and he won't play it at all.We got him Play-do and he likes that, but all he wants is for me to spell things with it. So we spelled Barney using purple. smile

I happened upon a website of a "gifted" school, right here in my home town, but it's $6,000. a semester, plus supplies. Bar winning the lottery, I don't see that happening. Anyway, that a few years away. I'm thinking home schooling may be our best option.

Hope everyone had a great holiday,