HI Everyone,
I have been reading this site for a while and would love some advise.
My DS is 2 1/2 this month and he loves, no make that LOVES, to spell and count. At last count, he can read over 200 words and knows all the basics like colors, shapes, ABC's and numbers. Everywhere we go he asks me to spell everything he sees and can keep a running total when counting things like school buses or dump trucks. I have read to him from day one, and now, at his request, we read 5 to 7 books a day. He has his favorites and has started reading them to me. I things I'm most proud of, though, is that he is a sweet, kind, funny kid with a great sense of humor and imagination.
I guess what I'm worried about is my own ignorance as far as his mental development. Are there certain areas that I should be introducing him to? He is an Only and my DH and I work from home, so he has our complete attention most of the day.
Trinity suggested some books I plan to read and Cym had some good advice in her last post.
Please --- share your wisdom !
