Dear Happymother,

My kids also enjoyed workbooks when they were little. I hate that other people think I'm shoving it down their throats, when really the boys were the ones who wanted to do it. I always thought it was their craving for quality time with mom (I would sit at the table with them as they plowed through pages) because it was so rare to have individual time (I have 4 kids). They were driven to learn and I was happy to buy them. Other than workbooks, I took them to the public library a lot, helping them select books about things they were passionate about (one loved dinosaurs, one war and weapons, one fighter jets, and one folk tales from different countries). Enrichment stuff (museums, nature walks, even theater productions) is always good. I didn't start worrying about testing until they were 4, but I know some of the IQ tests can assess kids as young as 2. I don't see how the results can help that young since the earliest schooling options aren't open for kids younger than 4.