I don't think I really answered the question though

"How do you manage to have them be a nice addition to life instead of taking over life?"

Set limits, be very clear (such as using timers) and be clear with consquences such as lack of cooperation/outbursts when it's time to stop means no time allowed the next day or something like that. I stay away from electronics at least one hour before bedtime. No electronics in her bedroom. That's just us.

You have to manage it every step of the way. You can tell if it's interfering with scheduled activities outdoor play, eating, whatever. When they're a little older like what happened to my DD is that kids might try to get other kids' passwords if they play on servers (to use someone else's character to play if they are banned etc.) and it expands as they get older into how to use social networking, etc. When I disallowed her from playing on the minecraft server she got some hard times from a few kids at school who were trying to get her password (she doesn't know it, so the kid called our house and I politely sent him packing) but in the end she actually seemed relieved that the burden was lifted - not her choice she has strict parents!! She went back to single player or playing with her dad only. I hated, hated, hated those server days.

You just really have to stay in control - as usual easier said than done!

Last edited by bzylzy; 01/27/13 03:09 PM.