Oh-- and if they are old enough for independent use, they are old enough for a couple of general family-rules type things.

a) An AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) that everyone in the family agrees to and SIGNS. I still have the one that DD signed when she was six.

b) Kids do NOT have an expectation of 'privacy' in electronic interactions. Period. This simple rule means: i) no late-night chat sessions or pay-per-view, ii) no electronics in bedrooms or other private spaces, and iii) NO wiping of 'history' in a browser without permission.

c) some agreement that parents have the right to limit activities as a result of judgment calls re: health, safety, and appropriate behavior.

d) INSIST on good ergonomics-- our kids are going to spend far more of their lives at this than we can even IMAGINE. Repetitive stress injuries are a real concern if we allow them to cultivate poor habits.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.