So until recently DS5, and DD4, have had very limited screen time. DS5 has started to request to do "educational" things on the computer. Examples would be Big Brainz, Khan Academy, and Stack the States. I spent an entire afternoon the other day going through the Recommended Resources forum here so I have many, many more sites bookmarked that I know he would love. The problem is that he wants to do these constantly and often has a HUGE meltdown when he is told that it is time to stop.

I am so torn. I love seeing him learn on these sites but I really dislike seeing him want to give up most other play to sit in front of a computer screen. Also his meltdowns when it is time to stop often turns the whole thing into such a negative experience. I think if I thought he was learning much at school I wouldn't be having such a hard time. I see these programs as a chance for him to get some of what he is not getting at school.

How do you view educational sites and apps? How do you manage to have them be a nice addition to life instead of taking over life?

Thanks for any advice or insight you may have!