Thanks Trinity!
We live in PA which has a horrible Gifted Ed record. As of this moment we're still fighting with the district to get our son to be permitted to read at HIS level instead of the "three levels available" with their inadequate reading program. He's in 6th grade and just finished reading Rumpelstiltskin's I'm NOT kidding! It's rated ages 4-8 for reading and grades 2-4 for teaching and Alex tested at 10th grade for reading comprehension but to our public school district it's "unfair" for the brighter kids to be advanced...not good for the lower end children's self esteem. It's all about standards testing and pulling the bottom up at the expense of the top. So the school will only do the rock bottom minimum to keep themselves out of court. We're trying to pursue legal action but having trouble finding a lawyer. But I WILL keep trying!

I've begged to have him keyboard but have been told again "no" because unless he has a writing DISability (and sloppy handwriting doesn't count) that it's "not fair to the other students". The curriculum director has stated that he firmly believes that my son isn't gifted and that the writing problem proves this...he wants him retested. Fine by me but an UNbiased tester! You'd be amazed at the nasty names I've been called by "professionals" with phd's because I refuse to allow my son to be stuck in a regular classroom with children that can't read yet!

Oh boy...feel better now! ;-)

As for the big head...I just keep reminding my son that Bill Gates and Einstein both had large heads!

thanks for the warm welcome!