Oh GG!
Yes you should let him write the way he wants at home. You should just have him write and write and write about what he loves and praise everything you like.

Of course I don't mean general praise, pick up a copy of 6 + 1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide (Grades 3 and Up) by Ruth Culham "

It's laugh out loud funny and well written, and will give you something to praise, specificially, besides "Organisation" - which is one, but not the only trait.

Also - how his touch typing? I would really hesitate to put ANY gifted child under any pressure to write until the Touch Typing is a usable tool. I always think of boys like yours and mine as having "Big Giant Heads" stuck on "Skinny Wobbly Necks." Touch Typing helps them "bulk up" where it's most needed. so my advice is flatter, cajole, or bribe your DS into using programs like Mavis Beacon. I started my DS at age 7, by age 9 he was fluent. One of the things that got my DS admitted to his private school and then the grade skip was how impressed everyone was over his touch typing. They all mention how his fingers are flying over the keyboard while his head is swiveling around the room. It's just freaky enough to give them some tangable proof that he really does need something different.

I'm not bragging, but touch typing has acted like a safety net for DS10. Literally, he forgot to complete a paper for LA class yesterday, but because he's such a fast typer, was able to "whip something out" during study hall. I'm not saying that this is the prefered way to go, but given his orrganizational skills, it doesn't hurt that he can burn through some of these assignments.

Yes, the key has always been to slow DS10 down and get him to follow directions, give more details. I do believe it's perfectionism and being left with "enforced underachievment" for so many years. He has evolved an approach that I call, (behind his back) the "Close your eyes and think of England." approach to homework and school in general at times. ((Private message me if anyone is not getting my reference to the Victorian Age.))
He gets it "over with" as quickly as possible with his emotional shields cranked up all the way!

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com