Deblows -
1% in phonological discrimination? Ouch! Take a look at my 2nd language post. I am sure that I have less of that than my husband and son, who are excellent with accents, music and spelling. Unless your daughter has proven herself with 2nd languages, I would reccomend you get on that while she's young enought. I hated growing up not being able to discrimate between "can" and "cane." Most of my issue was that my perfectionism magnified my relative lack way out of proportion, but the kernel was there. It just slowed me down in my best area, listening to other people speak.

Also - I like focusing in on "hating to handwrite" v. "hating to compose" BUT I still think that for "thoughtful kids" keyboarding is part of the cure for BOTH problems.

Best Wishes
Cousin Trin

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