Galaxy Girl,

Is it the handwriting or writing composition that your son dislikes? If it is just the physical act of handwriting, keyboarding (touch-typing) may help him enjoy the creative process more.

This topic is timely for me also. My non-Davidson daughter (although still gifted) told me last night that she doesn�t write as well as she would like. This is a fair assessment on her part. I was privately beginning to wonder if we should focus on her writing ability more also.

Background: She has some established LD tendencies in expressive and receptive language abilities although no formal diagnosis. (Ex. 1st percentile for phonological discrimination.) Anyways, I wonder if some academic difficulties (which are infrequent) are due to our lack of help in her LD affected areas. We have chosen to ignore the follow-up referrals since she does very well academically and has many areas of strength that she focuses on instead.

So, back to the writing; I told her that she should write a holiday letter (In our case Christmas) for our family this year. I told her that we would probably not send it just because they often come across a bragging, but that we would keep it for ourselves to remember the year.

I wish their school focused more on writing than the grammar lessons that seem so in-depth. I told my daughter that her grammar lessons were similar the phonics in reading (she�s a sight reader) that was stressed very heavily in the lower grades.