I think I come closest to HK in this and I am very grateful for her post as its made me realize that next time we face this issue that there are some better ways to think and talk about it. I see piano as OT/therapy for my DD, so I need to stop kidding myself or anyone else that it is optional.

OP every day or at the very least every weekday works for us and as a set part of morning routine. And using the "home routines" ap on an iPad was life changing for us in terms of DD learning to manage her mornings and herself in general. The ap is meant to help you manage your chores, flylady style, but it works just great for programming kids' routines, down to having individual daily lists, for morning, afternoon and evening (particularly great if your kid needs different uniform, different equipment, etc each day). We use it less now but it used to be programmed down to : Tuesday morning: dress in sports uniform, pack formal uniform, unpack lunchbox from school bag after school, bag on hook, etc

Last edited by MumOfThree; 12/24/12 09:25 PM.