I like what Howler wrote, and I think that's really how I let myself get side-tracked... the fact that the mom was described as a "prepper" makes me want to pretend I don't even take _reasonable_ precautions. The fact that the kid is described as "smart" makes me nervous about describing my kids or friends or self as smart. The fact that he's been described as having ASD makes me shy of the assessment we're on a waitlist for. People had covered most of the other bases, so I went for that one. but...

I hadn't put it together before Howler, but this is ALL about creating a strong us/them that insulates ME from feeling unsafe.

Except creating a strong us/them that insulates a person is probably part of how some guy comes to kill as if the lives of others aren't important.

So. Um. Maybe what the "I am..." woman did has some redeeming features in that way.

So maybe a smart person would make an effort not to draw strong lines of separation, in some way that does not involve posting photos of one's children publicly...

Or is that "wise?"

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!