Originally Posted by ColinsMum
I wonder whether I'm the only person here who, let's say, does some of what preppers do? It wouldn't surprise me if I'm not, as I think it can go with seeing what others don't, anxiety, overthinking, depending on your pov. (In practical terms what it means to us is that we don't run out of nonperishable food - I have stocks and a well-established system for using the oldest first - which actually, now that the system is running, is a big enough convenience to justify keeping it going anyway.)

Hmmm. I tend to over-order our bottled water - at any given time we have about 5-6 18.5 L jugs in the house. For me it's a) earthquake risk, or b) the occasional boil-water advisories we've gotten in the past (although they've always been too short lived to necessitate using up the water stores).

I'm not really a doomsday person though. I don't really fear catastrophes or violence (maybe because of where I live - which is ridiculous because we're in an earthquake zone - the coast of BC - but nothing ever seems to really happen up here).

Knock on wood.

My husband wanted to buy a gun, which I vehemently objected to. NOT going to happen. I'll never live under the same roof as a gun. NEVER. (It's different here though... no one else has them either.) The fact that the CT shooter used a weapon owned by a parent added clout to my argument.

Last edited by CCN; 12/17/12 07:59 AM.