Has anyone else had the thought the young man is being describe as highly intelligent along with obvious issues of social adjustment. PLEASE understand I'm throwing this idea out based on a few things I've read in the news about his past and a small and intuitive reaction I had this morning while contemplating why on earth would someone intentionally target an elementary school in rage (or carefully calculated violence). It is just a thought.

This year, I watch my own 6 year escalate his cries for challenge and help. He at one point even seemed angry that his 1st grade teacher didn't understand him. He even said a few times that he thought he would be better off dead- school was that frustrating and as he saw it, it would always be frustrating. It took time to get testing and work with the schools and psychologists to respond to his needs. Things aren't 100% perfect- but a move up to 2nd has helped him feel better and more challenged.

I WISH I knew from experience the level of inner struggle some of these highly gifted feel. In our own family's experience, trying to communicate these intense feelings at such a young age was heartbreaking and painful- he would even say sometimes that talking about would make him cry and that's why he had a hard time telling his teacher his needs.

I'm not a psychologist- but a brilliant mind, marginalized and misunderstood for a long time, combined with anger and mental illness- could that cause a person with deep rooted anger and frustration lash out against their memories of where that disturbance began?

I hope that when the mourning ends and healing begins, our nation takes a close look at violence in our media (especially in games that some parents give their children permission to play), mental healthcare reform, gun control AND our knowledge and understanding of gifted education.