Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by JonLaw
You can often tell who is kind of prone to wackadoo things.

This guy didn't just snap. He planned and went hunting for little kids.

His mother, who knew him better them anyone else, did not see it coming.

If true, this might explain why she never saw it coming.

"The mother of the loner who massacred 26 pupils and staff at a US primary school may have played a major part in his catastrophic mental breakdown, it emerged last night.

Friends and family portrayed Adam Lanza’s mother Nancy as a paranoid ‘survivalist’ who believed the world was on the verge of violent, economic collapse.

She is reported to have been struggling to hold herself together and had been stockpiling food, water and guns in the large home she shared with her 20-year-old son in Connecticut.

Mrs Lanza, 52, was a ‘prepper’ – so called because they are preparing for a breakdown in civilised society – who apparently became obsessed with guns and taught Adam and his older brother, Ryan, how to shoot, even taking them to local ranges."
