I feel for your dd. I was fortunate to have a very close girl friend in MS/HS which made it bearable. I now understand why I felt such a strong connection to this one particular boy who was 4 years older, and I just lived for the times when he would come home from college and make the effort to see me. It was platonic, (well, on his part, lol!) until the summer I turned 18. It was well-worth waiting for! (as was the summer I turned 22--same person. alas, I was an idiot...) So, it doesn't help her now at all, but it may just be a matter of waiting it out for a few more years.

In the meantime, I think something like CTY, Yunasa (through IEA), Davidson or ? could be just what she needs. I think those deep relationships are really fostered when away from home together 24/7. I hope that something like that would eventually be possible for her. I do feel her pain though...even as an adult. While it is tough now it is good that she knows herself so well and knows what it is she wants from another person in a relationship and to recognize that when it comes.