I have a 17 year old daughter, also PG and very beautiful. Not as socially adept as yours, but certainly the boys have flocked around her for the past few years. My D also spends a lot of time on activities that have mostly boys involved (robotics and Quiz Bowl), so that makes it even more interesting. She has really found no "significant other" material in that group, although she gets asked out pretty often.

My best advice to you on helping her find social peers is to send her to Davidson THINK next summer. That is where my D found age-mates who could keep up, both friends and possible "significant others". One boy has been pursuing her since she first went three years ago, although she just wants to be friends with him. Another goes to a boarding school on the east coast, and they have standing weekly phone calls that have gone on for two years. They all have a lot of contact online, so even though they do not live near by, the connections are pretty strong. She says they are platonic, but I sort of think there is more there than that...