Just an update here-- though I wasn't sure if should put this in the small victories thread or here...

I forced the little Princess to look through the DRILLS in the Princeton Review book yesterday afternoon, showed her how to set up one type of problem with dimensional analysis methods (rather than the clunky, memorize-the-table-so-that-you-don't-need-to-understand-the-math method advocated... and really, GGA to THAT... shocked )...

and had her take the mock exam prepared by College Board and included with registration... and she SMOKED that thing. SMOKED it. She was well into NMS range on that practice test (triple 9's and a 98th on math), and she'll almost certainly perform better with the adrenaline of tomorrow.

Now she's happy and confident. She thinks that she can "beat" that score tomorrow morning. And because she and her bestie (HG, age-typical 11th grader who took it on Wednesday) are rather competitive, including some good-natured gender-based teasing, she's now playing for bragging rights in a game of 'you show me yours' later on. LOL.

Whatever works. I'm just glad that she's feeling better about the whole thing and is motivated to give it her ALL. Take that, you perfectionism MONSTER. wink

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.