LOL-- Jon, not at all unhelpful. That's sort of been my thinking all along, and that's exactly what a couple of family friends have advised, too-- just keep running through the practice stuff and it'll eventually feel like autopilot. It just doesn't seem to be helping from what I can tell, and she's becoming increasingly defeatist in her outlook.

She's basically doing the same exact thing every Sunday morning when I have her run through another practice test (math only-- the literacy sections she's already maxing out on and seems plenty confident about).

So her raw scores are running in the 55-65 range. Repeatedly. I've had her look through a couple of "brushing up" tips, look over what she missed, etc. etc. Nothing seems to be making much difference, though she certainly knows HOW to work the problems correctly when she runs through them a second time. You know, when she bothers to actually write anything at all down in her efforts to run through a geometry problem. (Grrrr)

It might turn out to be fine-- she always tests better than she practices, and it seems like the higher the stress level the better she does. Adrenaline junkie. But that's a real high-wire act, gambling that it will always work out, and we've seen what happens when she performs merely 'adequately' or 'well' instead of at potential.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.