DH is a tech guy. Which may be why we have two japanese abacusses and a slide rule in regular use, not counting the western style abacuses we tend to draw on bits of paper whenever needed!

Wait, two abacusses and a check-cloth.

My boss once raced me to do some video-timing, his calculator against my pocketful of change and hand-drawn abacus; archaeophylia is catching, I think he's a mac-and -abacus guy now wink

The computers are *all* broken. This one still works (ipad) but the screen is cracked.

I occaisionally wonder what the grade three teacher is going to think of DS's rough work, when he up and starts drawing wierd lines all over and moving pennies around....

But: on topic... I an totally enamoured of text messaging. It and email saved my social life. I can even sometimes send a text when I'm in a bad mood. AND I can double check what some one said to see if I understood it right. I'm MUCH less offensive in text. Really. I luv txt.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!