My son is younger than Bear but I laughed in dismay when I read your post because this is pretty much how I picture our future. My son would rather do his own thing no matter what the consequences are (strong-willed is not enough to describe my DS, it’s more like titanium). He’s also very anxious, struggles with perfectionism, and is generally non-compliant. Looking ahead at school, I suspect we’ll end up homeschooling at least for kindergarten.

This is part of my brainstorming list for how we might survive:

* use an online system like (I saw this review here) or or iPad apps

* put worksheets on his iPad for him to do with a stylus pen (just saw this tutorial here)

* worksheets in sheet protectors in a binder to be done with dry erase markers, perhaps a week’s worth available at a time, and a reward upon completion.

* avoid worksheets altogether in the early years except for actual handwriting practice, or as part of a larger project.

Just curious if you think Bear is an introvert or extrovert? I’m pretty sure my DS is an extrovert, so although he can do things alone, he doesn’t ever want/choose to, and I’m an introvert. I think this may be one of our biggest homeschooling obstacles, at least in the beginning.

I hope you continue to share about your homeschooling journey with Bear.