I'm not sure the details of your homeschool "program"... whether that is your preferred approach, an online academy or cover school or what... Regardless, there is a lot of area between do these work sheets now and not doing school at all. Many parents spend lots of time, money, and mental energy finding the right curriculum fit for their kids and are frustrated when this differs among sibs.

From my perspective, in Kindergarten, you need to learn to read, do math, and write. It sounds like math is an unqualified success laugh Can you do reading without phonics worksheets? My K-er never wanted to do phonics beyond starfall but is reading at 3rd grade level. If he's interested in books and will work on reading with Bob books or whatever you could just roll with that. For writing and narration I have no advice. That always seems to be like pulling teeth frown Science, history, art, etc can be done by read-alouds or projects if you can catch Bear's interest.

Anyway, it sounds like what you are currently doing isn't working... It seems like your two options are either to seek outside help to fight a battle to continue on this path or to try a different approach. You know whats best for your child... does he need to learn to be more flexible and compliant RIGHT now or can you kick that can down the road. Either way you have already established HSing is your least worst option...

Good Luck.

PS Sorry if this sounded harsh... We are in the middle of deciding to pull our kindergartener to HS due to a poor social and academic fit... Our house is full of frank and honest discussions right now. So as you know, the grass isn't any greener on the other side of the fence.