Not sure if this is common or uncommon, but when I was in the regular classroom, I always thought that I was missing something and didn't realize I was as smart as I was -- If the teacher asked a question, and I thought the answer was obvious but no one else raised their hand, I figured it must not be the obvious answer, and so I must be dumb, and so I didn't raise my hand. For some reason, I thought this a lot, even though the obvious answer ended up being the correct one. I did not quite get that everyone else didn't automatically come up with these answers. Even though I was in gifted pullouts, it never really occurred to me that my mind worked any differently than anyone else's; I thought I was just "good at tests".

I finally got over this in law school, when I got fed up when no one would raise their hands, so I just answered all the questions. Lo and behold, I got them right.

So if you have your kiddo in a regular classroom, and there's any chance they have this odd side effect of being gifted like I did, please explain to them how everyone's brains work differently.