I was called on regularly to tutor others in elementary. I loved being asked and truly did my best but it was just a time filler. I learned so intuitively from reading that I really couldn't directly teach another kid in most instances. Other kids, in my experience, really don't WANT to be taught by a classmate. Some of them can be quite resentful.

I wouldn't say I learned to communicate better with others or learned anything in particular during my "tutoring," and the kids I "taught" learned not much more. It was simply a busywork task for bright kids. I could have more productively stapled papers or made copies. All the real lessons in communication and socializing happen at during unstructured time, at lunch and recess.

I agree with ultramarina that the principal goal for school should be to advance everyone academically. If some kids are not getting a chance to move forward regularly then they are not receiving an appropriate education.