2 years ago, I found out that when DS was in pre-K, he finished his work faster than anyone, and was always assigned to help out the kids who fell behind. He was a little teacher's assistant. At the time, I thought it was good for him in theory; to develop leadership skills, compassion, helpfulness, confidence. Halfway through Kindergarten I was informed that he started to get bored and frustrated with the kids he was helping out and the teachers noticed that he became very bossy and angry when the others did not "get it." So I presume that was the end of that role. Today in first grade, at drop off in the morning playground, I still see the beneficial effects of the pre-K days when he was a mini-teacher's assistant. The kids naturally come to him if there is a confusion of some sort. They seem follow his lead yet he is the second youngest in the class and to a certain extent, one of the "least mature" kids. But once in little while I see him bark orders and roll his eyes in frustration. Then I sometimes doubt whether being mini teacher's assistant then had its drawbacks to him and to his classmates.