I like the plan you already have, and I agree that contacting the admissions director and asking advice about what you should mention to the teacher sounds like a good idea. At that point, it might also be good to ask if setting up a meeting with the teacher and curriculum director and GT coordinator, if there is one, might be a good idea.

Because this is meeting with your kiddo, I'd keep it simple, and maybe mention that you might be setting up a meeting to discuss differentiation. Helpful if you can say "Mr AD said that we should set up a meeting with ___ and ____." This initial meeting is just Meet the Teacher time, but giving a little heads up is a good idea, IMO.

Our son's kindy teacher did not care about any of our kiddo's test scores, preferring to get to know him on her own. I think probably most test scores that are really high are going to mean little to a teacher who does not normally see them.

ETA - I remember my kiddo's meet the teacher day. She had an easy reader and asked my son to read it. (But because she knew a bit about our son from meetings we had with the GT coordinator, she also had a chapter book, bless her heart.) If there is something like that, maybe you can bring along a book at your kid's level, just in case.

Last edited by st pauli girl; 08/06/12 01:55 PM.