Great input everyone! Much appreciated!

The meeting is for 30 minutes WITH DS

Born2Learn, I have not shared with the school his results...yet. I am considering calling the admissions director whom has been extremely open and helpful so far. He is the one who called a meeting with the "head of lower school" back in January to go over materials DS had done. Seeing my son's work is what allowed for the early entrance.

I am considering asking him if the teacher has any info on DS's academic advancement. Possibly also telling him about the results, appearing "nervous" asking for his advice weather to share the information with the teacher in the meeting. I would say that I wasn't going to bring anything up to the teacher but since we have this meeting set up would it be a good idea to share a little bit with her.

Either way, when meeting with the teacher I will for sure say less rather than more and not bring out the results until well into the meeting and in a very casual way.

What do you think about approaching the admissions director since I have such a great report with him? Eventually the school will have to know anyway since they said they will be doing subject acceleration with him. (They SAID. Time will tell if it was just talk)

And yes, he still have issues with noise although he seems to react to it better now. He just puts his hands over his ears instead of screaming bloody murder like he used to.

Last edited by 1111; 08/05/12 02:48 PM.