Our Kindergarten experience with our DS was not the experience that anyone would want. We encountered an older teacher who really was not happy to be teaching anylonger. Her complaints about my son was that he was so capable but she could not get him to work. When we saw the work, we realized that he did not understand why she wanted him to complete twice the amount of work as the other students. The sitution deteriated rapidly. That teacher had a terrible affect on him and he shut down. This is the short version. We moved to a public school and he was put in a class with 27 children. However, he loved the teacher and still talks about her fondly. It was not the experience that one would want! I think the most important thing about Kindergarten is being in a class with a loving teacher who fosters learning and creativity. This is there first experience with "big school," and it has a life time impact. If they are gifted they are going to learn.. it's important to have a teacher who just accepts them.