DeHe, on the science hijack--

Originally Posted by DeHe
A few years back there was a thread about an IEP for science - is that not an option for your DS up to HS?

They really don't do that here. Gifted is nominally a part of special ed services here, but the "individualized" part is very hard to get. Science is considered to be integrated into the elementary curriculum, so grade acceleration in science is discouraged (to put it mildly; it's viewed as impossible).

Originally Posted by DeHe
And DS6 is understanding stuff I didn't get until high school.

Mine is like that too. In some ways he really would like to just fly and do some serious high school science now. In other ways, maturity, organization, etc., he is the age he is, and no h.s. student will be thrilled to be a lab partner with a kid who's barely 10.

Originally Posted by DeHe
Plus he gets nuts if he doesn't get more info - he is willing for now to do depth and also to pick up subjects and drop others, then go back, which sort of strings thing along.

For better or for worse, I think DS is getting accustomed to the fact that he dips into serious science textbooks at night in bed, but can't talk about them with other people too much. He is probably getting a terribly spotty education this way, but we are kind of resigned, and he is no longer pushing relentlessly. He has accepted that most peers don't care about this stuff, and he mostly talks about video games with them. I think he is figuring out a mode of making it work and biding time, and I think that feels like a workable childhood to him.

I don't see any reason why we HAVE to give him everything he wants in science right away, any more than we have to give him everything else he wants right away. It does feel funny, though, when a kid is pining for knowledge, to hold back.
