lucounu: I think you misunderstand. I never said I was angry. I said I was frustrated. I also said that I understood the lesson she was teaching him, and I also said I understood that he must learn to behave appropriately in class. I feel like your reply stated all the same things that I'd said in my original post.

I agree with you...I think he must learn to behave appropriately in class to be successful in school. I hope that he's able to do that next year, and we're certainly working hard on that goal. So are his teachers at school. I harbor no ill-will toward this teacher at camp, though I do feel she should have handled the situation differently. Just my opinion, of course. We can disagree...that's totally fine.

Clearly, my frustration completely stemmed from the "sizist comment". It's been very difficult having a child who has always been two years ahead of his peers in size. (Add to that, the fact that he's been ahead of his peers hitting all of his milestones, too. It's been a nasty combination for him.) He's been expected to behave like a child two years older than him his whole life. That's not fair to him. Yes, I's not fair. But I'm his mother, and I feel like it's my job to protect him when things aren't fair at this point in his life. He has plenty of time to learn the harsh realities of life. Right now, he's 6-years-old. I work very hard to remember that despite his size, despite his intelligence, he's still a baby. Others may disagree, but that's what I believe.