I didn't misunderstand. I think you seem to have been somewhat upset, due to the mild rant, mention of the mother tiger coming out in you, etc.; I used the word "angry" words "furiously peeved" accordingly. It's not necessary to split hairs, and I don't think it's wrong to get angry furiously peeved sometimes over treatment of children. I just didn't think that your apparent level of frustration was warranted by the teacher's short corrective comments to your son, because she wasn't really off base in my opinion except maybe with regard to the size comment.

I'm also coming from the perspective of having seen such situations go further downhill. I think the teacher at the gifted camp should definitely be more aware of asynchronous development, and she should of course base all of her decisions not based on any physical characteristics at all, and should know the age of your son. But the camp wouldn't be my worry, it would be what happens if he acts up like a silly or bored six year old at school, and they use it against you somehow, despite all the initial positive interactions.

But if that's really not a worry at all, my comments may not apply in a practical way to your situation. From what I've read, smaller schools tend sometimes to be more flexible and understanding. Our school district has been fairly awful by comparison-- they are anti-skip (it's written into the district policies), and have shown a tendency to use any tiny justification to raise overblown concerns about maturity.

The good thing about your son's size and early milestones is that he will probably have an easier time fitting in with his grade peers as he advances. From that aspect it's a blessing, even if it prompts some minor thoughtless behavior from teachers now. I'd even bet that some teachers will tend to treat him better later on because he doesn't stick out so much size-wise.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick