I wasn't sure where to post this, so I decided under this forum.

I'm so frustrated! My 6-year-old son is very big for his age. He's the same size as many 8/9-year-old kids. He's meant to be entering first grade in September, but he's accelerated and entering third instead. (Nice that he's big for his age because he easily fits right in with his classmates.)

Right now, he's attending a summer camp for gifted kids so he's in class with 5/6-year-old kids, same age peers. When dropped off at camp the TA asked if he was feeling better this morning. (Apparently, he was pretty upset with his teacher yesterday. Never said anything to me about it, so probably got over it not long after it happened.) When I had a concerned look on my face, this was the story she told me...

Another little boy in class was goofing off and my son started to laugh at him. This wasn't news to me, as my son is known for getting dragged into any mischief happening in class. This other little boy is small for his age, easily more than a head shorter than mine. Apparently, the teacher told my son, "Stop laughing at him. You're encouraging him. You should know better. You're bigger than him. You're going into third grade, etc..."


I'm sorry, teacher. Shouldn't YOU know better? My son is 6-years-old. The same exact age as this other little boy. Yes, he's bigger than him. Yes, he's accelerated two years. However, he's only been in school for one year, just like this other little boy. And he's 6-years-old! AND it's funny when another kid is being a clown!

I'm not looking for advice or anything. My son was fine. He didn't hang onto any of it. He never does. He certainly must learn to behave appropriately in class, so I'm not opposed to the lesson of not laughing when another child is misbehaving. I guess I'm just venting frustration at the way it was done, which gives an insight into how the teacher perceives things. Six years of dealing with the "stop your son from behaving inappropriately", when in fact he's merely exhibiting normal behavior for his age, has worn me down! The mother tiger came out in me.
